I do triathlon because i am selfish. I like looking good when my shirt is off, i like competing and having others bring out the best in me, i like crossing the finish line and accomplishing something and most of all i like trying to inspire others to make their life better as well. I know that friends of mine have taken a liking to triathlon since my first one in july of 2007. Whether it was because of me or not, i might never know. Its one of those cliche sports that 75% of people do, just to say they've done it. And thats ok. Because they still had to train and accomplish something that 95% of the world has never done.
I have always said, when someone asked what i want for my birthday or christmas, that i just want a call or to hang out, maybe some homemade cookies. Something that means more than just a store bought object that has no real meaning. That is kind of why i am writing this note. I have races coming up in the next 12-14 months that are really going to mean a lot to me.
Everyone knows i race, probably too much. And, to ask friends to come to every one of those races would be more selfish than my justifications for doing triathlon. But, i want to put the power in your hands and give you every opportunity on my part to share in my mile stones.
When a group of friends showed up at the butt crack of dawn to come watch me race in this year's mountain man triathlon, i was so over joyed that they felt the want, whether begrudgingly or not, to come and watch. Eventhough, i know how boring watching my races can be. Everyone could see how much that race meant to me when i started crying because my mom was so proud of me for winning my age group (finally). I put a lot of effort into what i do and i don't race without the intent to accomplish something great.
The bottom line is: if you feel the need or want to come and watch me race this year, i am giving you all the information you need to get the wheels turning.
September 27th: Flagstaff Half-Marathon
Flagstaff Nordic Center 8am
November 22-23: Ironman Arizona sign-up
Tempe, (this isn't an actual race, just a sign-up for one, but feel free to come keep me company in line as this is the first step to completing Ironman next year.)
December 7 (tentative): Tucson Half Marathon
Tucson 7:00am
January 18: Rock n Roll Marathon
Tempe 7:40am
November 24(?) 2009: Ironman Arizona
Tempe 7:00am