Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lenten temptation...

Ash Wednesday was yesterday. The start of the Lenten Season. I don't usually give anything up for lent, but I think I will this year. I am giving up...Drum roll please... Sweets. Yeah, I know, kind of lame. But, I have a serious sweet tooth. And I really mean SERIOUS. Sugar may be my favorite food group. It's that bad.

I figure that giving up sweets, while kind of a personal want, will give me a stronger edge with God. I have always learned that you shouldn't just give something up just because but because it brings you closer to God. The reason for giving something up that means a lot to you is so that everytime you have an urge to use it, eat it, whatever, you ask God for the strength to overcome the temptation.

It says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

I take this to heart. I know that all my temptations, while not all bad, are all beatable with God on my side.

My reason for using this lenten season to give up a true temptation for me is two fold. I can become closer to God by speaking with him for every temptation I have with my sweet tooth and watch my weight to race better, which was a gift God gave me in the first place.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ups and Downs...

Man this weather is getting me down! I have been on the treadmill or trainer for a month now. I am getting sick of it! I keep telling myself that it will all pay dividends in the end. But, boy oh boy it is rough.

The trails are going to be snow covered til (a conservative guess) March. I have races to do! Doesn't God know that!? Through adversity comes strength, i guess. No, I am just kidding I know it does.

On a brighter note, my swim is starting to feel really good! I did 6600m in the pool last week and felt really good. My form is coming back and I am approaching this season with a lot mreo speed training. My thinking goes like this: If my fastest 100m is 1:25 and I am hoping to swim 1:30-1:35/100m during a triathlon, it is going to be rough. Now, If I can get my 100m time down to 1:15-1:20, holding 1:30 is not as much of a push. So, I am working on some good speed with some longer swims mixed in to keep up my endurance. At least my new found enjoyment of the pool isn't getting me down like the rest of my training.