Monday, March 22, 2010

Mental Games...

Since graduating high school, I have always claimed to be a mental runner. It is common running knowledge that a strong mental outlook on your training and racing will translate into better results. That couldn't prove more true than with me. And it doesn't just have to do with my running.

As a triathlete, I participate in three different disciplines. Swimming, Biking, Running. My mental confidence carries over throughout the three sports. If I have a good workout in the pool, chances are I will feel much better about my ride or run later in the day. In the same vein, if I have a bad workout, the "Debbie Downer" syndrome may carry over as well.

I am writing this because I am worried about my training. I say "training" because I mean all my training, even though most of my lack of confidence comes from my running. As a high school runner, I was injured three times, mildly. I had shin splits during my first track season, I had a freak foot issue after running in flats for the first time, and a bruised heel after running steeplechase my senior year. In all three cases a little rest, ice and ibuprofen took care of the issue. Training hardly ceased and my seasons continued on. Since I have graduated I have been plagued by injury.

I didn't run much the fall after graduation and began running again the next spring. My injuries began with a stress fracture in my foot after a trail run in tucson over spring break. It knocked me out for 6 weeks to heal. I was healthy over the summer, although I didn't train much. That fall I decided to run a couple half marathons that would lead up to the Arizona Rock N' Roll Marathon. I built my training too fast and after having a breakout half marathon in Tucson in december i ran into runner's knee, and IT band issues throughout the whole spring. I bounced back once again and had an ok summer. My mental was weak now. Two springs in a row and no training.

I have read articles about great runners who were injury prone and they eventually had to revamp there training to continue their careers and stay off the couch due to their injuries.

I am writing this now because as I look forward through this year and this season and into my future in athletics I am worried. Once again, I have some pain creeping up in my legs that (after plenty of googling) is a mystery. I have a couple more months of training for spring/summer triathlons and I have committed to the Disneyland Half Marathon in September. I am just dreading the training because I am afriad, once again, of becoming injured as my training kicks into high gear. I know I can win the race with the right training and I HATE feeling crappy on my runs. I am just mentally shot and its only March. Its going to be a long year.

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